Doberman Pinscher : : Female : : Young Learn more about the Doberman Pinscher.
Henrietta is a dog in need of a really really good home. She deserves the best and our goal is to provide her with a home where she will be loved tremendously and treated with care and affection. Henrietta's former owners went through a divorce and she was given to grandma who keep her in a crate that was too small for Henrietta. She needs lots of love, affection and training. Henrietta is 15 months old, spayed, black and tan, docked, and has natural ears. She is very affectionate and needs some training. Dobermans are dogs who need daily exercise and thrive when part of a family pack. They need to be with their family members and are naturally protective. Dobermans need strong pack leaders and training and are the most wonderful, affectionate companions. To meet this beautiful pup please call SADAR. |